Friday, May 8, 2015

Day 54-- Duluth Harbor then north on Lake Superior shore.

Briefly, as I am going to use photos to tell the story tonight, we visited the "other half" of the "Sand Bar Island" today, then did the first 30 miles of the Lakeshore Drive. Included in that was the famous (to birders) Hawk Ridge drive that is used in the fall for hawk counting and watching. THeyhave a education center there and many trails (There is no building)

So here we go. Tomorrow we will visit Sax Zim Bog, which has bird feeders along the route and should be interesting.
The view from Hawk Ridge of Lester (down there)
which was a lumber town that got  Duluth started.

A path to Lake Superior on the north half of the
 "Sand Bar Isand". Piping Plovers are nesting there.

The Harbor looking west to Duluth from
Park Point.

The "Mesabi Miner" loading at the ore docks.

A air of Eagles were on the nest and flying around
when we visted the Park Point "sandbar".

If you go downtown to Duluth, all roads are downhill.
Winter time? Don't even think about it!

The south inner harbor light is 69 feet high.

The northern outer harbor light is 38 feet high.

Amity Creek flows down with Skyline Drive from
Hawk Ridge. There are six granite bridges on the way down.

Lester River is near Amity Creek.

The lighthouse at Two Harbors (north of Duluth)
is a majestic sight.

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