There is usually a "silver lining" in dark clouds and this day was no exception to that rule. Moving our campsite on short note to another one worked out fine and got us a closer drive to Whitefish Point in the long run (No pun intended) . We are at North Country Campground north of Newberry on M 123. It is a large "In the round" type campgrund with all sites pointing to the middle of the campground. We are one of two trailers in the 100 sites so it is VERY QUIET. We love that of course. There is some bird life and that is encouraging as well.
We moved at about 9:30 in the morning and made the 85 mile drive by 11:30. Our campground owners had just signed the papers yesterday to purchase the Campground and the former owners were to move out today. It was a warm greeting that they gave and in doing so we found that they are learning as they go even though they had been in "apprenticeship" for the last two weeks.
We set up camp , and decided to get at least a half day at Whitefish Point so packed a lunch (No cafeteria or food at Whitefish Point) and away we went. On the way we saw a large snow drift from the winter (the only snow we saw) near Taquamennon Falls State Park , That was a surprise but not as mich as what we saw when we got to Lake Superior near Paradise. There were packs of ice in the lake right up against the shore and windrows of ice out in the lake where the freighters go by. It is cold yet in the north. Today was 38 F for the highest temp.
Snow drift on M 123 (May 12, 2015) |
Ice at the State Harbor (Whitefish Point)
with ice out on Lake Superior
When we arrived at Whitefish Point , it was pretty serious weather at 39 F , raning ('heavy mist' as the Scots would say) and the wind blowing in from the west. We decded to dig out our winter jackets (We are from Michigan, right?) and hats and mittens and scarves. and head for the back of the gift shop where the bird feeders are operating and attract many kinds and numbers of birds. (The gift shop is not open yet).Actuall that is quite funny as we started ut in Texas wearing shorts.
EXPLANATION: Whitefish Point has been run by the National Audubon Society, Miichgan and this year was transferred to the Seney HQ of the NWR. So it is now a unit of Seney with their HQ at Seney NWR. That only changes the adminsitration and all else continues as it was. Bird counting of Raptors and other birds goes on from April until June and then agan in Sept-October. Professional counters come here to work and donors pay for them through their contributions. Records are kept for use in data analysis. It operates as a non-profit, affiliate education and research facility of the Naional Audubon Society. Thousands of birds use Whitefish Point as critical stopover habitat to replenish energy reserves before venturing across Lake Superior during spring and fall migrations. A WPBO study found the highest density of migrant landbirds within 1.5 kilometres (4,900 ft) of Whitefish Point, with higher densities along the shore than at inland locations.
Today we did count 15 bird speies there and thirty in all, which was so much better than the last few days. We will travel there on Wed and Thirsday to explore the raptors lookout and platform as well as the "Point" where there also are counters.. Here are some addirtional photos from today .
The Whitefish Point Lighthouse
We ate dinner here tonight, Fish (Trout and Whitefish) Appropriate ,eh?
This is Camp 33 , an old CCC camp converted to a Restaurant and gift shop. Great History on Website.
A Pileated Woodepecker had a field day with this tree. Note the chips pile.
Our campsite at North Country RV
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