Saturday, April 16, 2016

Day 14 Saturday April 16, 2016 "Gates Locked Day", (Crystal Beach NC)

Day 14,  Saturday April 16, 2016 at Crystal Coast NC

Although the morning was a cool 42 F degrees, but by noon it was in the high 60’s even with a NE wind at 15 mph. There was a chill in the air and by 3:00 PM the air had warmed so “t shirts” were comfortable attire.

We packed a lunch and headed out to Croatan National Forest to seek  some possible species that are known to habit that Forest. Three roads were the target, the first  was Pringle on which were did see a Prairie Warbler, the second warbler of the trip, as we saw the Yellow Throated Warbler yesterday near the Cape Fear River. These roads were unimproved, at least the first two, and it was “go slow”or you wish you had. The obvious controlled burns on the first two roads showed the use of fire to control the underbrush so the Red Cockaded Woodpecker could have a satisfactory habitat in which two thrive.  In years gone by the fires were natural , but with so much development today, that is not possible, so ‘control’ is necessary.

A Common Loon in the Marina at Beaufort NC

This Forster's Gull just sat there on the post.

Saw both the Mom and this young Carolina Wren last night, and managed to
find them today using their long, curved beaks in crevices searching for food.

The second road, Willis Rd., was much less successful for birds but a fine new growth of Cinnamon fern was seen in a few places. The two streams on this road were meager and barely moving.  Only Grackles at these were seen. The third road I had imagined was also a rural road according t the map of the Forest, but it was paved and the roads leading into the forest (ideal for birding) were all locked with chains.  (BUMMER) Must be that the season for travel in them is nowhere  near just yet.? So, we completed our circuit east, north, west, and south back to our starting point after eating lunch in the Presbyterian  church parking lot  in Hevelock.

 After a brief grocery stop, some laundry (4 sweatshirts)  we headed to find Rachel Carson  Nature Center in Beaufort about 25 miles east. After reaching the proper turn off, we discovered it too, had a locked gate with a pass key, as it was now a NOAA information center and only employees were allowed. To salve our wounds we stopped at a DQ on the way home and indulged in our two favorites, Ruths Heath bar Mini Blizzard and my Mocha Frappe.  First DQ in 12 days!  That tasted great!

The first stream on Willis Rd.  It was very "lazy".

Those Cinnamon Fern

Controlled burning for the understory elimination,  makes the
Red Cockaded Woodpecker habitat secure.

Selective cutting in this area also helps the Red Cockaded Woodpecker thrive

This is Willis Road, Unimproved.
It is wise to go slow and look carefully.

Finally came supper Some of that left one shrimp from two days ago,  and time to wind down, The sun had come out 100% and the temperature did get to 70 F to make the day’s end quite spectacular.

The Carolina Garden Center at Cape Carteret.  The
planting season has begun here for perennials.

A lovely honeysuckle arbor.This had
very thick, twining tendrils.

The main street of Morehead City has a RR track in the median.

Ruth totaled the birds seen and our total is at 83 today.  Not a large total on each of the 12 days , but we are adding many new birds each day, which will affect the number at the end of the trip.

Tomorrow a breakfast  before church, and then some exploring. Thanks for reading.

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