The first day at Laguna Atacosta NWR was so enjoyable that we didn't think we could top that, so we returned today.
Even though it had rained most the morning (6:00-noon), it looked like it would clear by the afternoon. (Jim likes to prognosticate the weather...ask his children!). By the time we arrived at about 10:30 it had just about stopped. We found a new shortcut to the detour and that worked fine. Yesterday, taking the detour, when we went down there I memorized the names of the roads we would take coming back, One of the was named 'Rule" I found the sign that said it when going down. On the way back we could not find the road as the road sign for "Rule" was not posted at the other end. (We found that 'shortcut' as a result.
Again on the way in on the three mile road to the NWR, we picked up many species besides the FIVE different kind of Doves that are there. MOURNING, WHITE TIPPED, COLLARED, INCA AND WHITE WINGED.There is also a Scaled Dove, but we were not able to identify it. After brief look at the feeders at the center where Ruth spotted a "BLACK CRESTED TITMOUSE, and an OLIVE SPARROW. We ate lunch by the feeder there and recorded sounds of the CHACHALACA and GREAT TAILED GRACKLE for some of the DVD's we will make.
White Tipped Dove (one of five species here) |
The Olive Sparrow that we had a tough time identifying |
Yes there are rabbits, even in our city Campground |
An Altimara Oriole (similar to Baltimore) |
An explanation of the Reserve |
One of the roads at Lagna Atacosa |
I was fascinated by this Rio Hondo city Day Care facility. Beautiful ! |
Then a trip down Lakeshore Drive again to the lake. On that 45 minute drive (2 miles take awhile when you are looking for birds.) we saw the SCARLET TANAGER, TENNESSEE WARBLER, CARACARA and a NORTHERN FLICKER. The lake had less birds than yesterday, but many of the same ones. The REDDISH EGRET was there again, running after fish in the water. It is curious as it darts quickly from one spot to another.
The day ended quite well with 51 species , and even though we just missed an Alligator by 15 minutes at the Center, we did see a few more deer.
We stopped at Pizza Hut in Harlingen to pick up a Pizza and called it a day.
Tomorrow we will dress up a bit and head for the 11:00 service at First UMC here in town. Perhaps a brunch and a lube and oil change in the afternoon will wrap up the day and our stay here as we head for San Antonio on Monday.
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