** A mis amigos españoles, gracias por seguir el blog. Yu puede encontrar mealos en Face Book en Jim Strohmer. Encantaría oír de usted.
We did get to the Oregon Coast aquarium in Newport today. With a very good light from the morning sun, we stopped at the Yaquina Lighthouse again to get some bright and sharper photos of the birds on the rocks and the seals there.
The Aquarium is divided into some six or seven sections, so getting around you have choices , and we chose the birds first as we wanted to see them feed the Sea Otters at 1:00 Pm. In the ponds where the birds were,... were these:
The Tufted Puffin (there are two kinds) |
A Pigeon Guillemot |
The female Murre is a deep brown. They are nesting on the rocks now. |
At One o'clock we headed to the Sea Otter feeding where the handlers were feeding the Otters. There was a running monologue by one of the naturalist at the same time.
Fun guys these Sea Otters. Intelligent as well. |
They have huge pouches that can be filed with clams, oysters, etc from the ocean bottom and brought up to eat. |
Not asleep, just resting. (Reflections through the glass. |
The rest of the exhibits are indoors and concern three main areas of sea life. The rocks, the deep ocean and the sand.
Many sea creatures that are helpful in keeping a sea balance of food. If one gets out of balance (+) it eats the food of others and they move or die. |
Many tidal creatures |
An anemone |
The touching tank is great for children to learn. |
Darnell gave the monologue about the otters. |
A replica of a ship found under the sea. Fresh and salt water affect the ships differently |
In the Great Lakes is a good example. Cold water helps preserve them. |
The Parrot fish eats coral and munches all day long. |
Finally we returned to the Yaquina Lighthouse for some more photos of the birds whales and seals.
A little sharper in the sunshine, but still very active. |
We add a gray whale today, as they were coming up every once in a while. |
Here it is just getting ready to dive. |
The Common Murres are the dominant bird . There are more than 10,000 of them here on these rocks. |
Harbor Seals hauled out on the rocks below. |
These are Brandt's Cormorant's .Notice the blue under the chin on some. |
The lighthouse as it was in the beginning in the late 800's |
More of the thousands of Murres. The Guillemots were lower down. |
Finally a fee photos of the surrounding area in Newport and the Yaquina River.
The Yaquina Head Lighthouse |
The Bridge at Newport over the Yaquina River is called the Yaquina Bay Bridge. It was designed by Conde McCullough. |
Another angle as the road to the Aquarium goes under the bridge. |
Yaquina Bay at Newport, Oregon |
Eriophylum Lanatum ...The Siskiyou Daisy. |
Tomorrow we visit friends that live in Bend Oregon. I taught with her in Alaska, and we will meet half way in Sweet Home ,Oregon, Look that one up and see where it is. It's a one hundred mile drive for both of us .
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