Thursday, October 10, 2019

October 6-9 2019, Ontario , U.P. and Lower .Peninsula to Grand Rapids

Thursday and Friday  October 3-4 Tobermory, Ontario (Stromboli’s Rolling Log)

Inasmuch as I didn’t tel much about our time in London (Ont.) I’ll add some notes in this one. That was on Tuesday and Wed morning before we made the leg to Tobermory.

We arrived in London in the afternoon with plenty of time to get set up, but  missed the exit and exited 3 exits too soon. Somehow I had the roads labeled wrong. We went south  ( on Highbury)out of town and as I was turning around to go back to the freeway in a very narrow side road , a man pulled up in a pickup truck and even though I was blocking the road , I went back to ask him if he knew where this RV park was. After much explanation he indicated that if we continued on this road eastlerly we would come to a “T”  and turn left all the way to the freeway , the left before the Freeway, and the park should be there. (He was right, but the word “T” could mean a few things . So we headed east and came to a sign that said “T” and took that to the left (N) but after a few miles the road was blocked due to bridge construction so we
turned back to Highbury where we ended up at the freeway.

In the morning we did find our way to the Mount Pleasant Cemetery and had been told a year ago that the campground owners family had a big edifice at the entrance to the park.They evidently bought much of the land there at one time. (Andrews). We found the plot right away and proceeded to clear away the sod and dirt.By the time we finished they were all exposed at least for a while. We then returned to the trailer and headed north to Tobermory.

Serpent River Campground in Spragge, Ont.

Some of the Niagara Escarpment in Ontario on Hwy 17

There was much color in Ontario especially across from Tobermory.
Traveling to Spragge, Ontario.

The morning of Sat October 5 we had to arrive by 7:50 as there was a line for the ferry to Baymouth across the water of Georgian Bay. We were advised to get there early so w=arrived 15 minutes before the check in time (6:45 AM). We were gated , paid our fee and were the first inline although that didn't mean we were first on the ship, everything goes by size,. That went well as at 8:30 all started loading and we were in the hull of the ship up front.
We didn’t know there was an  elevator so walked the three decks up the stairs (coming down we did) and got a quiet seat in a lounge to work with pictures and watch the scenery go  by. (lighthouses and islands.) No birds.

We had to look for Propane but did not find any until we arrived in Espanola where there was plenty. Canadian Tire had a bell on their distribution center so that worked and we filled the near empty tank. Good thing as we had 4 nights in the 30’s so it was used regularly. Also stopped there to get some hearing aid batteries as I did not bring spares. Could not find a square cap for the sewer hose holder .  But continued on toward Spragge. This country is mixed fir, pine, spruce and maple. Some color but not like what we later found in the UP.
We found the Serpent River Campground and Debbie took care of us and we were in our spot by 4:00. Right across from the office so there was good wi-fi. I talked toScott across the way who is guardian for two autistic boys and that story is in my log of that day. We had hot dogs  my request, and I caught some of the LTU vs Concordia soccer game on streaming but it went freeze when Tavin came in. UGH!  Took a walk but no birds.  Some computer time.
We were looking for Crystal Falls (see note) but found this one  less than a 1/2mile from it.

There was much color (peak?) near the Soo (Sault Ste Marie)

Algoma Steel and St. Mary's Paper cover this site by the bridge to USA

A view of the Locks at the Sault looking into USA from the bridge.

Our Campsite at Newberry MI. (Kritter's Campground)
 Sunday we headed for Newberry  (Oct 6) by way of Sault Ste. Marie and a try to see a waterfall. It was about 6 miles north of town and we found the road and got right to where the road went to it and there were 100’s of cars and trucks as there was a festival for children in the woods next to the road  and that road to the waterfall  was closed. Bummer! we continued on and was told that there was a waterfall up the road , and we did  find it. I pulled into a drive that looked like I could turn around but I found after driving in that I needed about 6-8 tries to get the trailer 180 degrees. I did, and we ate lunch there, got photos of the waterfalls, and headed to Newberry.

First we had to get to the border crossing. I felt that going west on the north end of SSM and then south would be best.That turned out to be the exact way to get there as we picked up the bridge signs(USA) and followed it right to the border crossing. (Missed the entrance and went around the block once!) Crossed the St Mary’s River, saw the Sault locks , and all the rapids, were the only one in line at the inspection No problems and we were through in one minute.

I had less than a half tank of gas and I knew it would not get me to the campground some 8 miles north of Newberry  so we started out and hoped there was a station or two. We passed one but I felt that was too soon. There was NO other gas station and  about 2 miles from the one at the junction of M28 and M123 the yellow gasoline  light went on (I had 11 miles left) I knew we were alright. I pull into the station and was very relieved. “Thank you Lord” (Don’t want to hike for gasoline).

We met both Kathy and Larry who were in the middle of doing repairs at  the end of the year and Kathy was splitting logs for the winter.  (People do that in DA UP.) She was the only clerk in a campground that had chips (wood) in her hair from the work she was doing that day. Great lady and a “complete” lady.  Our site was one of 4-6 in the campground and that was fine. I walked some after setting up, and we did have sewer at  the site .  Supper was spaghetti. Getting the internet was tricky but Kathy helped me get on. It only had one Gig so was very slow.  It went from 60 that day  down to 38 F at night.

Seney NWR had 13 birds that we counted . This Mute Swan was one.

A view from Log Slide of Iroquois Lighthouse.

Still good color in DA U.P.

The dune at the Log Slide where they slid the logs to Lake Superior. It is HUGE!
Another photo at Seney NWR and the old Fire tower by Hq.
 On Tuesday we did two things .One, the Seney NWR was open and we hit  that about 9:45 . checked in a did the tour.There were not many birds around, but we did see 13 in the Refuge. The auto tour is a 7 mile ride ,and moves around the ponds and wooded areas nicely and smoothly. One big find was 7 Wood Ducks  that we spotted across one of the ponds.No Bald Eagles although they were there we were told. Some Ring Necked Ducks and American Widgeons were key birds for us.

Then heading north up M77 to Grand Marais  (Lake Superior)we took a look at the Au Sable waterfall but found the 160 steps would have  been too much. So we opted for the Lookout from the old Log Slide spot. 4 miles up the road. That was easier (500 feet)  and more level.The view is breathtaking. One can go down the slide but it takes about one hour to climb back up through the sand dune and there is NO other way. Longer for most.

One more stop for me and that was to get some ice cream in Grand Marais on the way home.  I opted for some coffee on chocolate ice cream (Poorman’s Latte?) and it was satisfying.
At $6.00 dollars it better be! Called daughter Julia (in CA) after dinner, (Ruth’s casserole of rice and corn) and she was doing fine. Her new phone was working good (i phone 11). Sent out some e-mails and did the proofing for church. IT was 39F at 11:00 Pm and dropping. It got to 34 F and the heater went all night (Thankfully)

The trip wouldn't be complete without one photo of "Big Mac".

The sled runners used in logging at the "Log Slide".

The wheels used in hauling logs (horse) which were made in Grand Rapids Mi

This site if the bnegging (end?) of the National Lakeshore  (Pictured Rocks, etc.)

There was still great color in the UP

A bit of history south of Indian River (Tustin)
Tuesday Oct 8, 2019 we headed for Indian River   in the woods.  But , before we left I was short to the sewer so had too hook up and move the trailer about 10 feet to get a good connect. OK, We did take a short run before hooking up to see if there were any dewdrops on the plants as we did last year. No luck, so we were ready to go. Said goodbye to Kathy who was headed for the wood splitter, and headed west on M 28 to M 117 south through Engadine (stopped in and inquired about Ron Leveille) .He built a new home on the Black River. I had just missed his wife, Janet,  who had stopped in at the gas station just a minute before.

We moved east on US 2 until a little road work and then at Naubinway stopped at  Fred’s Bait and Smoked Fish shop , where we bought some smoked whitefish and I bought some Turkey Jerky. Good conversation about commercial and sport fishing with Cheryl the clerk.
Heading east we had a detour at Lake Brevort for road repair and bridge so took the detour on Morse road which led all the way to Moran (123) and headed south to the bridge. The bridge crossing had many repairs and one lane was the rule, but it was a great view and blue skies.  The ticket man said he was  going to enjoy his sons football game tonight in the fine weather, (no rain)We stopped for lunch in the middle of the town (on the median) and took a few photos of the bridge (of course) and headed south.  The remained of the trip  south   on I-75, to Indian River was uneventful except for turning the wrong way in Indian River after getting gas.That was quickly corrected and we arrived at about 2:00 Pm.  It is a very large and old park They are doing a lot of redoing here. Checked in and had a site that had a sewer 30 feet from the trailer  on the other side…so we will dump in the morning at the dump site,.

Had time to use the internet at the office but it too was very slow, (Sure will vote for Broadband for rural America!). Saw some Yellow Rumped Warblers  after supper ,and  supper was the last frozen dinner this time of Beef Stroganoff. A bit warmer tonight at 50 degrees at 7:00 Pm . A very beautiful day weather wise for sure.

On October 9 (Wed), Grand Rapids  Made a straight trip down I 75, US 127, M 55 and US 19101 with a few stops for stretch9ng and then one at Cedar springs for an A and W root beer (float for Jim) . Arrived home at 2:30 Pm. Thank you Lord for a safe journey. Took time to unpack the trailer and put all goods in the house. Laundry tomorrow . In the early evening (5:00 moved up because of the EEE scare -mosquito disease.) went to watch grandson Tavin play soccer for LTU vs Aquinas College here in town. LYU wins 2-0. Tavin got 10 minute pf playing time near the end and played very good.

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