Tuesday, April 27, 2021

 Hi there all friends and family.

We are on the road again after a 17 month hiaitus.  The object was to take the Church's handbells to Plumsteadville PA, drop them off, have a good time touring the local states (MD, PA,VA) see a few friends and family, then on the way back, pick the bells up after they have been refurbished and "just like new" (said the man who signed the receipt). That should be about 5-7 weeks.

So with two nights on the road , we are just 40 miles north of Philadelphia and south of the Leheigh Valley. You have the area in your mind? Tomorrow we head for a site near Fredericksburg MD

The campsite is one of very few trailer sites, as the most part of the park are permanent double wide residents.  100's of them. It is a well run park and has been here in the middle of Hatfield PA for a long time. Neat ,clean and orderly.

The three days we spent here Ruth and I have seen some beautiful blossoming spring trees, especially the Kwangsa Cherry. The most full of the spring blossoming trees .

 Tomorrow we head for Marylnd near Fredericksburg to do some serious birding. The migration is just about starting and with the warm days (it was 74 here today and 80 in Red lion  at Kathy and Steve's place).  We will attempt to meet Emily at her place for lunch. Burger King iswhere she works .
This is a beautiful evening here and all three have been  clear but two were cooler. I am sitting in the lawn chair  in my shorts for the first time this season, beside the trailer, where the shade and the breeze arejust right. The robins give their evening call and a few House Finches can be heard in the trees but they are elusive.
Neighbors are out ,seemingly for the first time,  enjoying the camaraderie.
Also we will try to meet up with Emily Simmons  at a Burger King  just off of I-83 on our way south to MD.

The owner of the Park,Teresa, had the office roof redone and added a veranda of sorts to shade the sun , so the workers have been here each day with their automatic air hammers,ladders, and roof coverings.T hey cleared the old shingles today , and will possibly put the new ones on when they come.

One of the barns, (you know Ruth loves old barns,), was seen near where we saw the blooming Kwangsa Cherry trees  and it had character,but as you can see there was a "gate" in the opening which Ruth said took away from the beauty. OK!
One of the vagaries of trailering is equipment. On departing a service station, I turned sharply to enter the lane on the main road and hit the low spot of the drive with the tongue of the trailer. That released the plate used to set the trailer on when unhitching. We had to get a new one at a local RV  sales on one leg of our journey today.

The Barn.

That's it for this one, and is a start. Hope you can follow along in the month of May.-Jim

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