Sunday, May 2, 2021

    Trip Day 8 , at Woodbine May 1, 2021

It was a very cool morning with the temps getting to 44 F but reaching 62F and sunny skies all day.  Can’t beat that for good days to get out on the sun and enjoy the fresh air.

We did just that with a trip to the Archibald Audubon Sanctuary we had put off two days.  We followed MD 144 again and this time were able to stay on course. Making one turn onto Boyer MIlls Rd. we found the Sanctuary with a very unobtrusive entrance as I went by at 50 mph. Ruth says “there it was”. There was  just one sign at the entrance. We drove through deep woods to the parking area and found some benches and a picnic table at the edge of a very large meadow. 

The Archibald Audubon Sanctuary
 A good place to start. Near the covered gazebo, were two large Swallow houses built near the ground much differently than the ones high up a pole at Audrey Carrol A.S. we had seen two days ago. These were large houses about 5 feet off the ground with two baffles  (snakes and varmints). The Tree Swallows were abundant. We sat and listened and watched for the activity in that spot which began to return after about 15 minutes. Birds don’t like interruptions. A Mockingbird caught our ear ,so finding it was  the problem.( We do not count any bird if we cannot see it even though we know what it is. Birders unwritten law!) It was persistent but distant.  Its voice carries like the Meadowlark a long ways across the land.  Finally it flew which was a giveaway as the white wing flashes were  easily seen.

A large hedge off to the side saw two Catbirds fly out suddenly and land in a tree at the edge of the meadow.  They hung around all the time we were there and their musical call is evident.  There were the ubiquitous Chipping Sparrows , many Tree swallows, Bluebirds, Cowbirds, and both a Hairy Woodpecker and a Veery.  We did eat our packed lunch there as a being in a parked vehicle with the windows down, often brings good bird watching. (Saw the latter two birds then


Those Swallow nests near the ground .They were huge.
Driving back toward Woodbine and  Piney Run Lake, we did see our first Red Winged Blackbird in MD, some Canadian Geese and Mallard ducks. The two bodies of water were not accessible until we found the boat ramp on one of them, that was the Liberty Reservoir. On the way there we passed a DQ and I told Ruth we would come back this way .During the first “drive by” the line was snaking out into the road, but the second time just three vehicles in line. (No inside service).


THere are two Pesky squirrels at the suet feeder only, as I revoved dead branches for access to the seed feeder.

After the DQ it was “head for the trailer”. It is always  a good plan for us to have some “down time” when  coming back to the trailer in order to download photos, make notes, clean out the cooler  and put everything in its place once again. 

Downton Frederick MD
So after the supper of Taco salad, one of my favorites that Ruth makes, and dishes done, we chilled out while  I did watch the evening birds. They  begin to be active for 30 minutes before the sun went down.  Heard a few  and saw some, but after 17 months of no “on the road birding”, I can see our senses need sharpening .

Tomorrow we will stay here, as on Sunday, the roads in this area will be very busy. (We’re just 20 miles from Baltimore).  The campground is full but there might be time for some horseshoes  or if it gets to 87 F as predicted, maybe a dip in the pool which is filled and ready to enjoy.


 The children enjoy a ride in the hay wagon.

 Tomorrow we will recap the day again. See you in church.

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