Monday, September 25, 2023

Day 8, Trip east (Sept. 25, 2023) Cape Cod MA

Sept. 25, 2023, Cape Cod 

 Today's entry will be a short one, unless you want me to describe how one does the laundry when on the road from a trailer to the laundromat. That was pretty much it all day, but I will put in a few photos, that I did not enter previously. Yes it rained again today. So the alternative as indicated was to do the laundry which we did . An interesting and beautiful laundramat (They can be beautiful to a camper) just 2 miles from the campground in a mini mall. It is definitely in the top five for cleanliness and machines and care in all the 49 states we have used laundramats. The machines work, albeit a little pricey at $6 a load, and they worked well. We were in by 1030 and out by 1145. It wasn't too busy and mostly men more doing the laundry. The place called "Liberty Laundromat" is also a cleaners and will do your laundry for you. We left and felt we were "cleaned".

Some statis along the waterfront
The Coast Guard rescue boat at Chathamlighthouse
Pick your favorite meal
Who was looking for lobster?
Ths story of the rebuilding of Chatham Light



That left a decision whether to go out in the rain or not and the answer was no. So we got out the projects to do in the trailer, as Ruth never leaves home without some projects. She worked on early Christmas card prep, and I got busy writing some long-overdue letters and got caught up with Internet mail and the like. It was working much faster today.

 Oh, I guess we could talk about suppertime as that was the main event of the evening. It consisted of some hot cornbread, underneath what is often called , "John Wayne" casserole, but I like to say it's a Tex Mex chili without beans over cornbread. It has some heat, chilies, onion, and melted cheese to go with the chopped hamburger. Heat that and pour it over the cornbread. I like to split my corn bread and let it soak in a bit.. It was good.  (This was another frozen food we had stored. I love ths meal)

We did have a bite of a blueberry pie that we bought at the supermarket two day's ago. That place is called Market Basket and was the busiest store I've ever been in. The clerk said "it's always that way" And one reason is there are no supermarkets anywhere near there on Cape Cod.  There are 32 aisles of groceries. I didn't see it, but Ruth said that the the sea food counter was lined up three deep to get served. You have to remember were in the East Coast on Cape Cod near all the fisheries that are here. 

 So that was pretty much today as far as activities are concerned. Tomorrow the weather is supposed to be windy but no rain and we will head for another lighthouse up the coast called Nauset, where they're are also three older lighthouses called Three Sisters. (Not related to the Three Sisters Mountains in Oregon!) They're not used anymore but are quite pictorial/photographic? We shall see. As I said I'll put it in a few photos that I did not include before. See you tomorrow–– Jim

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