Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Day two East Coast trip.( 9-20-23)

Wednesday September 20, 2023 (This would be our daughter Mary's 60th birthday!)

It seems that today I can download a few photos as I have Internet and broadband in the park that is, well… out of the woods for sure. We are about 20 miles from any Highway of consequence, and took a very torturous winding, hilly, narrow, road to get here. Tomorrow we are going to try a different way out even know we have to back track some . It was another day of very beautiful scenery driving through the valleys and foothills of the lower New York state. That included passing by some points of interest like Cooperstown baseball Hall of Fame, Hudson river, crossed the Appalachian Trail, numerous small colleges and universities, and when we saw the limestone Cliffs in Granite rock , the Howe's Caverns appeared in view.

Seneca Casino  on I-86

                             I say good for theNative Americans who were forced off thos land.

                                                                         I-90 corridor

                                                Small patches of old farmland, much forest.

Purple aster and golden rod (Hundreds of milesf this)

Tioga Raceway next  to their casino, training surreys.

Another good view heading east. The same all the way.

Notice the selected fall colors. This was the only one.

                                                wonder why? Water, sun, air, soil, devas?

Approaching Albany NY, it was apparent that the New York Thruway and later the Massachusetts through way are main arteries to reach both New York city and Boston. We had never traveled on them before.

 So now, we are settled in a very quiet" fieldlike" campground, Very far away from the activities of New York. Tonight's blog will be brief, but will include a few of the photos I could not show before. It will give you a visual of the land geography geology that we went through. You can imagine how the Seneca loved this land and took care of it. Tomorrow we hope to be in Sandwich Massachusetts which is at the base of Cape Cod. As we get settled there will be more time for longer installments.

Happy Thursday.


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