Sunday, May 23, 2021

Trip Day 30, Sunday May 23, 2021 at Walnut Hills Campground


A  partial cloudy day that turned sunny in the afternoon, and then more clouds again in the afternoon, The temps are still in the 80’s daytime and low 60’s at night. The furnace went on once or twice at night.

Saw two deer along the way ,very far off the main roads

A typical scene on route 252-the Old Stage Coach Road.





 We enjoyed some of those cinnamon buns that we bought at Millie’s Bakery yesterday, and they were excellent at breakfast.

Some changes while participating in the church service on Zoom  with an added component. Five members of the choir sang, and Chris Faasse did the readings. That was very special for all of us who have been out of the church since March 2020.  The new sanctuary seems to be very comfortable yet somewhat traditional.

For lunch we each had a sandwich and  water and lemonade.


There is an old Stage Coach road (now paved) that runs from south of Staunton and from Staunton and all the way to  the northern cities of Baltimore and Washington DC.
The northern section of this particular highway from Baltimore to the Virginia line was called the Frederick and Winchester Turnpike. From Winchester to Staunton it was called the Valley Turnpike, and over the years it became "The Valley Pike," eventually extended to Lexington.

The Old Stage Coach Route (VA 252)

An old mill with 20 ft.wheel

Contributing to the history of this particular highway was the Baltimore and Ohio Canal, the forerunner of the B and O Railroad. It carried traffic from Baltimore and Washington westward to Harpers Ferry, Maryland, where southbound traffic used the stage lines over the Valley Turnpike.
We took that portion of the road today for 40 miles to see what the terrain was like.  A few old mills, many large dairy barns, long tree lined drive ways, plantation homes and edifices and many small farms acreages. 

The Silver Brook Farm entry

Middlebrook VA Pop. 230

A very peaceful drive through no towns except Middlebrook ,which was a growing  town until US 11 was built a few miles east . This directed traffic into Staunton and reduced  Middlebrook population  by more than half. It now claims 125 folks.

We did identify some birds as the rural areas usually have different species than a campground.
An interesting ride with a big mill and wheel (20 feet in Diameter) right on the Moffitt Creek which has some fine mall waterfalls.

We ended the day with a light supper of those individual pies from Millie’s Bakery. Mine was Rhubarb and Ruth’s was Strawberry Rhubarb..
We ended the day with watching a movie about the Sea Faring Friends filmed in Cornwall, my family’s birthplace (Clark). It was a  great day and the Pileated aWoodpeckers are still in the nest. I think a few more days and they will fledge.— Happy Monday!

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