Sunday, May 30, 2021

Trip Day 36,  May 30, 2921 At Merry Meadows in Freeland MD

It is a  short note tonight as it was still very cold  (44F to 53F) and we did not go out until 1;00 PM  and only for a short 1 1/2 hour ride.

This morning as usual was our church service on Zoom and for the second week it was presented live from the church with few people. The three ministers, a pianist, a soloist, and two people behind the scenes. Oh, and Pastor Dr. Bob Hundley!!!

Pastor Joan gave a very effective sermon today on understanding the difference between earthly love from God and Heavenly love from God. (John 3- the story of Nicodemus and Jesus).

We did not have any lunch because after our short trip we would put on the grill (our portable one) and cook two T Bone steaks we brought along for this weekend. (That is Ruth does the grilling).

A deer seen on today's ride

Two times we have seen Bamboo growing.








The short trip today was to a Reservoir called “Pretty Boy”. It, as other reservoirs do, serves Baltimore City as a water source and like others it has no private land on it and preserves the water source for the city. It is completely forested  for acres around it. The reservoir is 79 square miles of surface water. The entire property is owned by the city of Baltimore. --Where did “Pretty Boy” get its name?
According to tradition, the lake was named after a settler's horse, Pretty Boy, who drowned in a nearby creek.  

Birding was very limited (We saw only 16 birds today  and few of some that we usually see). The drive was mixed with some very rural homes and old sites and some very large, new manicured yards with large acreages. Quite a contrast.

Look close and you will see the deer...again

This is the most beautiful Dogwood we have seen..








We did get the steaks on at about 3:45 and they were a treat as we seldom have steak. along with my favorite vegges - California mix, it was a very good meal. I saved a few slices of the steak for sandwiches this week.

A mock up of a cicada by a trailhead.

In a short walk after supper I found two Cicadas and a cicada shell and brought them back to the neighbors to show, They are familiar with them  and it was a good discussion point.

So, may we remember those who died in the wars and conflicts that has kept us free... on this special day tomorrow… Memorial Day
Only a few photos today, but some family photos tomorrow.

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