Monday, April 30, 2018

Day 29, April 30, 2018. From Harlingen to San Antonio

The day was overcast almost all day and the sun never did get through the clouds. The roads were very good, so the drive "up north" from the Rio Grande Valley, was quite smooth.

One stop for lunch, and two stops for gas and a  stretch break until we arrived at the SAS shoe Factory in San Antonio at 2:30 Pm. This is a "shoe stop" for Ruth and she lets me buy a few pair when we are there. I moved away from the usual white walking shoe that I get for the summer, to a blue and white, walking, tennis shoe with some lighter cloth so the feet breathe a bit.

SAS is a unique place. There is part of the old factory there and it is running on a schedule for tourists. They will take you on a tour of the buildings at certain times. The owner was a collector of old cars (see Photos), and the store is filled with many things to sell besides shoes which is the main retail item. There is free popcorn and ice cream is for sale.  Sort of, in some ways, like a "Cracker Barrel" without the food. Cracker Barrel came first in 1969 and SAS factory was estabished in 1976.

The entry to SAS in San Antonio --Burma Shave and old cars.

My guess is a 1926  Ford Pick up. Your guess?
We owned a 1955 Black and White '55 Chevvie .

Guessing again. 1928 Ford Pickup.

One of the aisles in SAS and  '39 Buick

 World Traveler's RV Park. Surrounded by huge motor homes.
Coming off I-37 we drove about 8 miles in the  town to get to the SAS store and then about the same distance back to get to the RV Park. World Travelers RV is very clean, up to date and well managed. It is  quiet here, as no freeways are close by. The closest road is Roosevelt Ave , which is a main city  street, and is the entry street.

Here in San Antonio as many of you know, there are five Spanish Missions .  These missions are the LARGEST COLLECTION of Spanish Colonial architecture in the world.  

            MISSION ESPADA,  (Founded in 1689 for the conversion of the Nabedache Indians).

                      MISSION SAN JOSE (served the Coahuiltecan Indians. Founded in 1720)),

             MISSION SAN ANTONIO DE VALERO, (Built in 1718 and is known as the ALAMO)

                                                   SAN JUAN (Capistrano in San Antonio)

                                    MISSION CONCEPCION (By the Franciscans in 1716).

They are each about 3 miles apart and are the result of the 1700's establishment by the Spanish Crown of the Catholic Missions on the North American Continent. They began to shape the landscape through their acequias,  (community opeated watercourse) farm fields, ranchlands, and mission communities.

We will "lay low" here until tomorrow when we head for Fort Stockton, TX which is about 1/2 way to Las Cruces New Mexico from here.  It is about a 300 mile run. One night in Fort Stockton and three in Las Crueces where we hope to visit Basque Del Apache NWR which is one of the best birding sites in North America.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Someday I'd like to get out to San Antonio. Maybe when MSU gets an Alamo bowl bid. I've heard the River Walk area is cool.