And, it wasn't all birding as the latter paragraphs will tell. But, there were many birds in the air and on the ground and in the water and we saw many of them a few times over.
Last night I hinted that we might "Do" "Eight Mile Road". Now thisis not your Detroit 8 MIle Rd, in any way, shape or form of the imagination, but if you went to go back in time, say even 75 years when I was a lad 11, you might still see Eight Mile Rd. in Detrout as very rural yet. I remember hiking from our churchyard with my Boy Scout Troop (#111) the three miles from 5 mile Rd. to 8 Mile Road in order to go to the woods there where we would show our talents in Scout achievement during the day and hike back that evening. It was all wooded and devoid of buildings of any sort. The same is true with 8 mile road here although that too is changing as the rural ranches and farms give way to the big bucks and the million dollar homes that are built here and there.
But there is still wetlands, swale, reeds, grasses and hiding places for the birds on this tidal basin (Back Bay) of Galveston Island. We drove the two miles of 8 Mile Rd and a 1/2 mile of Sportsman Dr and netted 59 species of birds in about 3 hours of sheer excitement. Every foot of the way was scoured by us (and a few other enthusiasts) looking in the reeds, along the ditches, fence rows, and ponds for anything we could see, and the birds were there. It was a bright, sunny day with a brisk northeast wind making it pleasant work. Ruth had her "Big gun" (the 200 x 28 with doubler) and me with the Panasonic 25 mm zoom,... had a field day.
Suffice to say we did see many birds and here are a few of the photos of them and the habitat of that area of Galveston Island. It is truly remarkable and a necessary habitat for the birds who come either "Circum Gulf" or " Trans Gulf" to get here. ('Circum' being the route by land through Mexico and 'Trans' being across the waters.) So here they are and tomorrow we expect more of the same.
Many a GReat Blue Heron is "outstanding" in his field. |
A Tricolored Heron Trying to hide. |
A Virgina Rail that IS hiding. Very hard to find these. |
Good close up of a Great Egret. Note green lores prominent at breeding time. |
Could not resist this man earning his pay up the ladder trimming the windows.He was around the front when we returned. |
One of the more numerous bird today was this Willet |
A look ot toward the Back Bay of Galveston Island. This is also the end of the road. |
Looking east from the end of the road the habitat is perfect for these birds. |
A seldom seen Summer Tanager resembles the Cardinal sans crest. |
Use of the area includes free kayaking among the islands. |
Scissor Tailed Flycatcher |
Here is that great Tillamook "Mudslide" Ice Cream. It is the best. |
Oh, the last paragraph. We celebrated the day by going out to eat and devoured some seafood (shrimp) and had our dessert at the trailer. The dessert was Tillamook "Mudslide" ice cream, Once you have tried that, you will NEVER try anything else again. YUM!
Tomorrow a trip to the chiropractor, and more birding the roads .
1 comment:
Great pics. Especially the Heron on telephone pole, Dude on the ladder (you couldn't pay me enough), and the ice cream.
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