Before you read this be warned that it could be very boring but is my view of an ordinary day on the road when only the necessary things get done. Right! When traveling and on the move it is critical to take care of the needs of the travelers. Simple things like... a new Port hub and chip for the computer and camera, a brush to fit the vacuum, a haircut, some groceries and two indicators for the Propane tanks that were taken off when I put on a new regulator... AND Ta Ta , the laundry. There is always the laundry.
That meant staying in town all day and that was good in its own way. Not having to drive is relaxing for Jim and no long rides is also easier on Ruth's body. So we try to take a day once in a while for the bodies to catch up. We are not getting any younger.
Finding the way around town for some is easy as the smart phones are their tool. We have smart phones and although we know how to use them we prefer to find our way with paper maps or Google maps and then commit to memory the route. It usually works. Sometimes when a Street or Road does not appear as it did on the amp then there is some confusion. Here in Las Cruces I-25 and I-10 join together at the south end of town where I -25 begins and heads north. (I-10 heads west to CA) The streets are not just N-S and E-W so direction is important to know.
The front wall at Bosque del Apache |
The rest stop located in the same place the travelers stopped going from Mexico city to Santa Fe on the 1700's |
We found all of the above just within 3 miles of the Park. The brush for the vacuum was located in a small vacuum repair and sales store that was closing at 1:00 PM (Saturday) and we got there ahead of time. Cash only, however.
Then the haircuts for both of us. We chose the salon at Walmart. The gals in the Park office recommended it so it worked out. Olivia cut both Ruth and my hair and I waited on the bench outside . That was fascinating and here are some of the few thoughts I had including pondering how overweight we Americans are. Of the few hundred folks that strolled by while I was sitting more than 1/2 or perhaps even 60% were definitely overweight. We are a land of plenty and probably do not have very good eating habits as well (Myself included) . Then I noticed how many folks that do shop are disabled in some way but either manage well or are accompanied buy their care giver , whether it be husband, mother, sister, dad, or friend, Some were in motorized carts, a few in wheel chairs, and I didn't see a walker, but did see a number of folks who were walking VERY slow and holding on to the store carts or their loved one. I had my "Detroit Baseball" shirt on and got a few comments from some baseball followers. (The waitress in Fort Stockton had played softball in a League in Fort Stockton and had stopped due to poor knees. 'Gloria' was a hoot and a catcher by trade).
Apache Plume |
Protection from the enemies on the trail. |
The next was the stop at Best Buy to pick up a cord for the computer. It was 3.0 USB 7-port hub. After careful selection and trying it out at the trailer, Ruth found that it didn't work. Hmmmm. Cant win 'em all.
The groceries were next and out here the Albertson Stores are the top of the line. One of those 'one stop shopping' stores. Easy access and we were out of there with our cart filled after 45 minutes, The store was quite devoid of customers so check out was quick. The help was accommodating when asking where things were. Like the Feta Cheese. He took us to the place where it was.
A view of the towns along the Rio Grande north of Las Cruces |
The road in the early auto area. |
Ruth had wanted some LED lights for the trailer so we stopped across the street at the trailer dealer and looked to see what they had. A bright and polite young man by the name of Michael, helped us and showed us the sample that we brought in did not match the ones in the store, so we held off on that. Back in Grand Rapids, MI, before we left I had a new alternator installed but forgot to remove the propane gas indicator dials when did. So I bought two of them for the propane tanks in order to keep track more easily at what the gas level was . They fit and seem to work fine.
In the park I might add there is no trailer washing so local companies are allowed to come in and clean rigs. There were three such groups today doing just that to these half million dollar outfits.
Finally the laundry.!There was some preparation as Jim had a small injury on his hand that bled into the sheets so Ruth used Peroxide to get that off. (HINT) That works well on blood stains. The large office and guests rooms at the entry include a huge laundry and pool entry as well as showers and lavatory. It is exquisitely attired. Ruth attended to the laundry and after getting it started I attached the gas indicators and emptied the sewer and waste water. I usually do that every three days, and as we stayed here one more day than usual I will empty it again in the morning before we leave.
A Harris' Sparrow on feeder (much like a Purple Finch) |
Yes, it was on the way to Bosque del Apache. |
Eastman's Star flower |
So there sums up the day. Oh yes...,supper was 'Mar's noodle salad' with Feta cheese, tomatoes, black olives. with capers. It is delicious and not a heavy meal. Tomorrow we head for Wilcox, AZ and maybe the Chiracahua Mountains.
A few flowers to end the day.
Ruth will name them in the DVD ...later! |
There were 150 varieties at the NWR cactus garden |
You name it and it is yours! |
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