In the past 24 years of traveling with a trailer, Ruth and I have visited many bird 'observatory', 'centers' , 'banding stations' and 'feeder stations'. The opportunity to see what the one on this National Seashore would be, was high on the list. One thing was for sure, this one was more ISOLATED than any of the others we have been to. The road to the town of Bolinas at the end of the Peninsula is very small. This observatory is yet off a road that is separated and away from even that small place. We met a State trooper (gal) who talked to us about the area and directed us to it, "After the paved road, go a ways on the gravel, and you will see the road and sign". We did, but on the way something caught my eye. It was very obvious to Ruth as well. It was a huge antenna system like I had never seen before. It covered dozens of acres and had many antennae of all sorts and sizes on a large tract of land, maybe 50-60 acres. The trooper explained to us that it was established in the days of Morse code and is used some even today. It was used for shipping both as a guide and a communication. MARCONI established in the 1930's, the sending and receiving stations at Point Reyes and a town of Marshall not far away. Today it is still used after refurbishing was done by the staff. To read more about this "throwback" to the 1930's and '40's, see this site ;
THis arch is at the entrance to the Antenna VOL site.Lndmark. |
A few of the antennae. There are acres more. at three sites. |
We entered the office of the Observatory, a very modest room, where a young intern by the name of Chad (from Ohio) engaged us in conversation and information about both birding sites and the history of banding birds, which they were doing each day until noon. We exchanged our experiences at banding stations with him. At this time of the year the migration is practically finished so birds are followed to see where nests are laid and used and how many young they may hatch. It is the workers job to find the nest if at all possible after seeing the birds (Territory is another topic) . We watched an ANNA'S HUMMINGBIRD at their feeder and saw some WILSON'S WARBLER's on the way in on the road. A wren escaped our view, as did a few other birds in the thick underbrush. The WESTERN BLUE BIRDS and SCRUB JAYS were about as usual. After a look down the road further, where , at the end of the gravel road a parking lot was full of cars? It seems it is a trail head for a waterfalls that is eight miles by trail that is a popular hike for folks here, so the Rangers were parking cars. After a short trail walk we headed to town for some Sunday Brunch .

Eucalyptus trees along the road |
aNsturtium grow wild here. |
Trailhead by Bird Observatory |
Oak trees by Bird Observatory |
South end of Point Reyes Pennsula. There are three haulouts for seals if you have good eyes. |
We headed for the Coast Cafe that I had scoped out earlier. A satisfactory lunch of eggs for Ruth and a combination of eggs with a Hispanic emphasis of beans and rice with chili sauce on the side.
Then we made some decisions about taking a trail to the Lagoon that the bird guys had told us about. Before lunch we could not get into the 6 parking spaces there, After lunch only one car was there. It was a long trail for us and about 3/4 of a mile .Ruth managed it but was exhausted at the end. If I walk slowly I am OK. There was no bench and had I brought a chair from the truck, that might have helped. (Next time!). We did see a number of birds on the trail and in the lagoon which is really a Bay of the Pacific. The CEDAR WAXWINGS, PACIFIC SLOPE FLYCATCHER, BLACKHEADED GROSBEAK, and NUTTALL'S WOODPECKER, were some that we saw.
The Egrets on the Lagoon |
The trail to the Lagoon |
We were ready for some ice cream, but never saw a place in Bolinas that sold it. So retreated back to the RV Park and bought some "fat free" Magnum Double chocolate and Carmel ice creams treats.
It was a good day, and the roads were generally better going south , than yesterday's north.
Tomorrow we head for Mendocino some 125 miles to the north for 3 nights. There should be some good birding there yet. The campground was busy here all weekend with more than 100 tent campers and families as well as 30-40 RV's. Tonight all is quiet as there are NO tents and about 8-10 trailers and RV's. Peace for sure. "See you" tomorrow.
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