That was the highlight of the day, and even though we did get to the end of the road for the Lake Earl, the trails were too long for us to walk that distance to get there. So the Redwoods it was.
The road to the Jedediah State Park is route #199, which runs from CA 101 to Grants Pass. The Redwoods on this highway are about 4 miles into the road, with the Park camping grounds about 10 miles . The access to the Redwooods is quite simple as they are right by the road (199). It is of interest that "anyone can purchase the rights to a grove of trees and have them names after a friend, family member or individual. "
Suggested donations to dedicate a redwood grove or tree range from
$25,000-$250,000+ for groves and
$2,500-$25,000 for individual trees. These levels are based on the age, location, and accessibility of groves or trees across 19 Redwood Parks." (See sites for details)
So we stopped at a number of trails and groves and viewed these giants of the forest. Being a holiday weekend the roads were busy ,but people were courteous and patient.
We'll start with one of Jim by a big Redwood. |
These truly are giants. |
The root section of one of the toppled trees/ |
These are Sword Ferns |
They just seem to reach the sky. |
One by the road is huge. (300' when mature.) |
We stayed there about 2 hours and decided to try one more look at the Estuary of the Smith River. IT is a truly beautiful venue. A couple with two young children came up and said,"This is really exciting, we didn't know that rivers looked like this where they empty into the Ocean. " (They had only been on rivers inland.) Again, today, there were Harbor Seals, Cormorants and Gulls. The Ocean was quite frothy with whitecaps, as the winds were 20-30 mph.
The one Western Gull joined a small group of Black Oystercatchers. |
A good close up of a Western Gull |
All along the trail in CA are these markers. |
One last northerly view of Battery Lighthouse. |
There were Harbor seals there again. |
The day ended with some "down time"in the trailer for letter writing and photo downloading as well as heading out to get "Sunday Breakfast" at 5:30 Pm. Ruth loves Sunday eggs. We opted for Denny;s as neither of us had been there in many years. It was very clean and neat and the food was very good.
Tomorrow we head for Coos Bay , just up the road about 135 miles (US 101) we will be there three nights and will meet with some of Jim's friends that he taught and knew in the Alaskan village of Newtok. More on that in two days.
Enjoy the photos from today.
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