Saturday, October 7, 2023

Day 20, East Coast Trip, Sat. Oct. 7, 2023 Scarborough, ME

 Day 20. Sat Oct, 7, 2023 Scarborough ME


This will be a short one as it rained most of the day and evening, so.. we stayed in all day.

 We did do some preparation of Christmas cards, that Ruth brought along, and Jim did some Bible Study to keep up with the class.  Jim also got in on the card prep (See only pic today!)

Jim gets some stamping out of the sleigh on the Christmas cards design.
                                                    Ruth was doing the painting of each one.

 Every once in a while there would be pattering on the roof and the wind would blow. We are under an approach route to the airport in Portland and it was difficut to tell which was which from time to time... the rain or the plane?

Ruth prepard a very fine dish of one of our newer treats made with purple potatoes (with think it might be a "Magic Molly" variety) , sliced, and tuna fish  with onions and seasoned salt, prepared as a casserole. It was very good. We topped it off with  small blueberry pie. 

My Central Michigan Chippewas football team  got "snowed" by Buffalo. (I guess they know about 'snow'.)

When the rained slowed down I checked the Propane as the heater was struggling. I switched over to the second tank. Never  like to have to switch them at night. UGH!

That is it for the day and tomorrow when the sun shines (they say!) we will do our last lighthouses  as we head back west on Monday into New Hampshire.

Thanks for reading.



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