Monday, October 23, 2023

Day 35, Oct 23, 2023 Packed truck ,cleaned trailer, prepared for sale. Jefferson OH

 Day 35,  October 23, 2023 last day in the trailer, EVER! At Jefferson OH

We had reason to believe that the sale of the trailer would go through although it may take longer than we anticipated. Tammy , the buyer, was working through her Credit Union, and just was  getting approval today.


Last time we will see the trailer. It has been sold!
See tomorrow's Blog for the end story and the sale.

That meant that we would prepare the trailer for sale, including cleaning, storing, removing, and generally getting it ready for the new owner. Ruth sent most of the day inside , and I helped  by carrying and storing the bags, boxes and bins in the truck to take home and taking care of the outside items. Whoever gets this trailer is getting a lot of equipment with it as we won't take an unnecessary items home. Clothing to pack, canned goods, a few pots and pans we did not give away, our favorite clock, medicines, storage boxes, and the list goes on. By 2;30 we had it pretty well done. Ruth then vacuumed and washed the cupboards, shower and the  floors.

We met with Tammy to sign the CU papers that gave her the go ahead to meet with them to finalize the loan for Tammy and Joe. We went back to the trailer and waited. She called to let us know that we will meet with her in the AM to change title ownership.

In the evening we decided to check in at the Motel and get something to eat as it was past our time .(We eat at 5:00 usually.) Decided to try the "Corner Bar" down the street a bit, which from the outside looked pretty run down, but advertised the "World's finest Hamburgers". A very noisy place (not handicap entry) 6 steps--- One bar  gal, and 15 people in the place, all of them drinking at the bar. (VERY NOISY! We ordered at the bar and waited 30, minutes for 2 burgers and fries. Pretty ordinary in the insidewityh many faded posters and photos and ripped decor and  was just as we said."run down". We ate and left  knowing that we have eaten better burgers and seen better burger places. Bars included! Their slogan was "A sunny place for shady people"!

We headed for the motel, checked our baggage with Elana and headed for the room. Ruth was out in a very short time and I will follow. Tomorrow we hope to close the deal by 11:00 and stop one more night on the way home, arriving home on Wed one day later than planned. Thanks for reading! --Jim

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