Monday, October 23, 2023

Day 34 East Coast Trip, Sunday OCT. 22 Covered bridges OH

Ruth did get a few with color although no sun!

 Day 34, East Coast Trip, Sunday Oct. 22, 2023 At  Thousand Trails RV Ohio

This was “Let’s see the Covered Bridges” day.  There are 125 Covered Bridges in Ohio and 19 of those are in Ashtabula County where we are staying. We did get to see six of them today in a short five hour run around the county and environs. (We did not see Lake Erie to

A tad less color but good.
 As usual ,it also gave us a chance to see the countryside as it has been rainy and threatening off  and on for a few days so there's not much activity in the bean fields or in the corn rows. About half of the soybeans have been harvested but very little of the corn.  The grapes must be waiting  for a frost or something as they are yet to be picked. There was a large frost this spring that eliminated much of the Concord harvest this year especially in the “Lak Erie Region” of grape growing. Ruth did get some photographs of the barns today along with a few pictures of some colors on the maples as the sun shone only about .01% of the time.  And you had to be quick in order to get a photo with the sun shining.

So I think I will just list the covered bridges that we saw as most of them were within 20 miles of where we are staying at Thousand Trails RV near Jefferson Ohio. Here they are and they are listed in the order that we saw them. When I get internet by the office (“hot spot” they call it), I will post photos.
Doyle  Rd Bridge

Gdding Rd Bridge

Netcher Rd Bridge















Benetka Rd Bridge

Olins Bridge

South Denmark Rd Bridge

 The Doyle Road Covered Bridge which was near our camp ground about 12 minutes away.
The Netcher Road Covered Bridge only about 5 miles from the previous one.  It crosses Mills Creek which is the road and river by which  we are camped.
The Giddings Road Covered Bridge, again just a few miles from the previous one
 The Benetka  Road Covered Bridge a little further north nearer to Ashtabula Ohio and crosses the Ashtabula R.
S. Denmark Rd. Covered Bridge, actually very close do the Giddings Road Bridge
And finally the Olins Covered Bridge  also crosses the Ashtabula River. (No apostrophe)

It wasn't busy on the roads but there still were a few of people at most of the bridges today. Interestingly, one lady had a map of all of the bridges in the County of Ashtabula but she was certain the map did not have them in the right places!!! Maybe she was using a GPS so much she forgot how to use a paper map. How about you, do you still use a paper map once in a while? We always keep one handy as it gives references that the GPS does not. ( Personally, I would like to locate three or four places on the same GPS map at the same time. There is an idea for a new app?)

A brief ,but fascinating  story involves a silo we saw the first day we came into this area. Ruth had seen it on the side of the road behind a barn, and it was …a tiled silo. There have been none of these build in recent years so if this one must've been 100 years old or more for sure.  (They started using that form of silo  in the early 1900’s.) We didn't stop but vowed we would come back and get a photo of it some other time this week. Today was that day. After we had finished with the covered bridges, we decided to chase down that tile silo. We looked on  the roads where we thought it might be, remembering we had traveled on dozens of rural roads on which we were not familiar. The “road” did not come up with a tile silo. The only thing Ruth could remember was that she saw it  after we passed by “the Corner Bar” which was in the town of Austinburg about 10 miles away. We did GPS the “Corner Bar”, found it, and started from there. When we got to Victor road we turned there as she felt  for sure that was it. We drove it until we got to “our road”, Mills Creek Rd.. But it was not there. End of story. The tile silo will have to wait for another time. On October 24 as we were leaving the campground we saw it! So a photo will be in the next blog.

We will stay here at least one extra day awaiting the outcome of our potential buyers for the trailer. They will try to complete their financial work on Monday and let us know that day. If that works out we will finish packing the truck with what we have not left in the trailer and headed for home. We will see how that goes.

Oh, you want to hear about supper of course. It was one of our favorites for a cold, windy, and slightly damp night.  (Maybe yours , too?)  It was tomato basil soup and toasted cheese sandwiches using Colby Jack cheese instead of our favorite Havarti. But it was just what we needed.

Thanks for reading and I'll have another blog or two yet on the trip, whether or not we are pulling the trailer on the way home. ––Jim

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