Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Day 127, Tuesday August 7, 2018- Along the St. Lawrence River and the valleys thereto.

It still was very muggy this Am and the temp was about 74 F. There was no breeze, so taking down the trailer was again a sweaty job. We did get on the road by 9:30 , just ahead of a light rain that was coming behind us from the SW.  Prediction was for light rain today in the direction we were heading. We were heading for the Gulf of St Lawrence where we will turn SE and into New Brunswick by next week.

The rain did catch up to us by 10:30  and it was light and then heavier at times. As this route Hwy 20 is the main route between Montreal,  Ottawa and the Maritimes , it does have considerable truck traffic and truck traffic in the rain can be  a time to be very watchful for passing trucks as the spray will  cover the vehicle qute well.

After a lunch in a roadside Park we headed NE and the rain soon stopped. Quebec (and Canadian) highway markers in general are well marked and  they are placed on the roadside well ahead of the location.  They include all the services you would encounter, and much more information besides. (Like... how many and where are all the vineyards, museums, markets, and towns even well off the highway. There are many "rest areas" and some are just a few miles apart. Their signage is among the best.

Lots of Saints! Montmagny is an Island.

Some of the hills are really large rocks.
Highway 20 from St Hyacinth to Riviere du Loup

Many large diary farms along this Seaway and the valleys.

More of the farmland.

Rocks appear at times

Good signage all along the way.

Our campground at Chez Jean in St Antonin. (rural)
 I will say that stretches of the road  #20, are very bad. Even some new blacktop is so uneven I had to slow considerably to keep the truck and trailer from more unnecessary bumping and jostling. Some stretches were fine, but there were many that were not fine. Michigan may have potholes but these were just poorly engineered and supervised. There was one 15 minute backup for a one lane construction, so it was not all "clear sailing".

As we neared the turn from #20 to # 85 and headed south, there appeared a smoke of sorts in the horizon. I mentioned to Ruth that it looked like smoke but was moving very fast. As we approached it ,we could see that it was fog coming off the Gulf of St. Lawrence. They say it comes often when there is such a temperature difference as today. Before we entered the fog it was 77 F and in the fog it was 63F. Quite a chance for some type of moisture to appear under those conditions.

We exited on Rue Parliament  that took us through the small community of St Antonin and of course the church of the same name on Main street.  Our hostess was Megan who wrapped things up quickly and was certainly bilingual. The escort to the site was Natalie on her golf cart. She moved us to a different site than the one scheduled, as it was "bigger".  (There are plenty of sites so it is "not a problem".) It is a  park of about 50/50 permanent and temporary campers.

So we are situated here for 5 days and will hope to take a ferry ride to see Whales or at least the St Lawrence river up close.

The evening has settled to  a nice 70 F and a breeze off the  Gulf.   I just happened to think that we were on the "other" Gulf (Mexico) 4 months ago.

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