Wednesday, June 2, 2021

 Trip Day 39, Wednesday June 2, 2021 At Morris' Merry Meadows MD

The morning was somewhat overcast with a high sun showing in a hazy bright sky. It was 49F last night but the heater did not go on.  It did get up to 73 F today,

After shower and breakfast  we planned to go to Cordorus State Park (No Admission fee except for camping) again as that was good birding  territory and there were some birds we had not seen. After the lunch was packed,  I stopped at the office to see if my"package"had arrived yet. It had not. (Bible study materials for  next Unit (Summer three months).

During Memorial Day Weekend

Tuesday and Wednesday AM








I also informed them that the flag on the pole at the hill has slid down yesterday and I made it more secure today. It needs some permanent fixture to secure it in place after it is raised. Lorraine took notes.

We took the "backroad" HA@! as they all are ,but this was new  and interesting with new roads, homes, hills, curves, and some beautiful valleys to look over. We arrived about 45 minutes after we started (9:30) and headed for the bird feeders the first thing.We spent most of the morning there as Ruth and I found a Northern Oriole building a nest over the road near Lake Marburg. We set Ruth up with tripod and camera and she enjoyed that for more than an hour.This was at a boat launch where we saw the feeder yesterday. It was quite a thrill to see them so close. there were two pair at least there.

Good shoulderson this winding , hilly  road.

Lake Marburg (reservoir)





We looked for the Furnace called "Mary Ann's Furnace" but did not find it unless it was at the end of the trail of  the same name. That trail starts just behind the Rummel Barn of Civil War fame (see yesterday's blog). I didn't mention that four founders of 'Mary Ann Furnace' were instrumental in the Revolutionary War  they were:

Northern Oriole Building nest

Same Oriole  still building nest.

A flock of BLACK Vultures

"You will not look at that Eagle through this"!!












George Stevenson, organized supplies and wagons for George Washington;  George Ross, lawyer and member of the Provincial Assembly,  P. Conference and Continental Congress, and signed the Declaration of Independence; William Thompson went from Colonel to General in the Rev.War and was captured in Quebec for 4 years, released and died a year later; Mark Bird ,son of the Hopewell Furnace ironmaster, used his money to buy weapons and munitions but, was never paid. Fled to NC  to avoid debtors.

The last short ride took us back to a site that Ruth wanted to try again. It was not successful yesterday so we tried again. Ruth hit the "jackpot" as a female Wood Duck was leading 8 young ones in the stream there (Black Rock Flats) and she was able to get three fine photos quickly before they were out of sight behind the bushes. That made her day for sure.

Wood Duck (female) and 8 little ones.

Veteran's Memorial , tree ,plaque, and flag.

Groundhogs came out briefly at Memorial Garden

We had many views like this in Southern PA


We headed back to the trailer to download photos and make notes. We had 45 species today and have 93 species for the trip.

To celebrate we ate dinner at the "NewFreedom" Restaurant that is excellent fare. We  were early and had our choice of booth. Ruth had a very tender 1/2 pork ribs and I had a crab salad in taco shell which was enough for three meals which I took home, We celebrated with a chocolate Mousse, cake that had a hard chocolate base that we had to take home to cut up it was so thick .

It was a good day for sure. One more day tomorrow  and then we head 50 miles north near the Simmons family for the last camping spot before we pick up the handbells. See you tomorrow.

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