Thursday, June 3, 2021

 Trip Day 40, Thursday June 3 2021, Last Day at Morris' Merry Meadow Rec.Farm.

The morning weather was a surprise as we had fairly light fog that lasted until about 9:30 AM. The cause was a very humid night with the temps not dipping below 63F and the wind was calm.

Three things to accomplish today and it looked like minimal travel.  

Ruth reminded me that if we still have 8 days yet to be on the road then we may need a few things washed, That meant going through the laundry basket and getting some items washed but not others. We did that and headed for that "immaculate" laundry in Stewartstown, PA some 15 miles from us. It is worth the trip believe me. That meant only one washer where usually there are three washers  to use.  Wash time then is about 1 1/2 hours including the drying. Better than one washer and all day job. Not as cheap , however. I gave the lady that works there a very big compliment about the cleanliness of the place. She invited me to write a note and place it in the suggestion box, which I did. I will write a letter to the owner as well. I called it "AMERICA'S CLEANEST LAUNDROMAT". We  have seen hundreds, and that is our ranking.

That Impeccable Laundromat in Stewartstown PA

Another view of the laundromat








I did take a few photos of the old Tavern that I posted last week. It seems there is some original stones under the pavement that still show  and one cement steps that lead to nowhere ,but may have been at one time leading into the Tavern.

The right side is the original wall and structure

Close up of the original Tavern

The stone slabs that are under the driveway now.

 Cement steps lead to?













On the way home we made a stop at the Giant store for probably our last grocery shopping of the trip.An interesting thing happened at the deli counter. Did you ever get surprised by being "out of the loop"? I stood waiting for maybe 10 minutes and the 6 clerks never even looked my way. I finally said in a loud voice " IS ANYONE WAITING ON THE COUNTER'?. One of the clerks came up to me and told me the policy. "You use the kiosk (digital), ...insert what it is you wanted (long list of cheeses and meats), leave your cell phone number ( I did not have my phone with me),  and we will call you when it is ready on the intercom". That was new to me, so I looked for an alternative method and find some cheese and meat in another counter already packaged ,but not the amount nor type I had hoped for. She said they have been doing this since the pandemic started. I had never seen that before. Certainly it is safe on the side of distancing.

Lunch was next and I finished that wonderful Crab salad that we had last night. It was excellent even on the second  day. 

I needed to fill one Propane tank and Ruth still wanted to find that "ONE"silo that she saw  on a road "somewhere". So we did that, stopping at the office to check in my Propane tank (#30). Lest you think I am complaining, I am not, but am surprised by different "rules"that this camp goes by. Again another example. When I stated that I wanted a Propane Tank filled she said "Is it empty?  I said "no, but about 3/4 full and I was traveling so needed a fill. " "Well" she said, "You know we charge all tanks for a fill",  Again I had never seen this before, They charge all tanks a full tank amount no matter the poundage put in. She said they had some reason that dates back to the new tank attachments , but it made no sense. So I told her to put it on the credit card. Again she said "Don't you want to pay cash?" I said  "No" , and she stated that there is a $5.00 charge for using a credit card except for camping fees. UGH. 

Later, I did get the tank filled and we will be on our way once again tomorrow. Ruth admits we will not use this Park again. Too bad, though,  as it is a delightful location to stay. This weekend is the motorcycle rally and the "old time" cars coming in. We will be gone!

That was it for this "Oh Hum" day in northern MD.  A heavy rain came through about supper time. and it will probably rain off and on tonight. We took down the awnings so will be ready between rains tomorrow to hitch up. Our journey is only to York, PA,  just up the I-83 about 20 miles.  Seems too short ,but Merry Meadows would not  have us stay those last 4 days as they were "full up" with Motorcycles and all. The next stop is just 6 miles from daughter Kathy and Steve.


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