Monday, June 7, 2021

 Trip Day 44 Monday June 7, 2021 Last full day at Indian Rock Cpg. in York, PA

It doesn't seem possible that the days of this trip are winding down to a "precious few" .  But, they are. It was another hot day reaching the low 90's (F) with the humidity increasing to make it one of those "summer dog days" even though summer is still "officially"two weeks away.

Ruth and I did get out one more time to a number of places but with the high temperatures , the bird life was (smart birds) hiding under cover  in the trees most of the day.  We revisited some parks and places by the waters of Lake Redman and Williams, and did find a Ruby Throat Hummingbird nest located by the park people and roped off with that 'forbidding' yellow tape seen so often at crime scenes. At that same spot were 6 "Good Old Boys"who evidently had  been here before with their cameras and chairs under a tree , trying to stay cool in the morning heat. Had I mentioned the word 'politics'. I am sure I would have gotten an earful of the election 'being stolen' and 'Biden's terrible leadership. (I did not say a word). They pointed to the area where the birds were and we were grateful. There was babies in the nest and the Mom was around somewhere.

The baby hummer is sticking it's head out.

The nest is on the upper of the 45 degree limbs.

A habitat that was becoming our favorite  had four GREAT EGRETS and a  LITTLE BLUE HERON that was close enough to get some good shots of it. In that marsh were many turtles basking in the sunny morning. Some ROUGH WINGED SWALLOWS  were hanging around an overpass nearby.

This is an immature Little Blue Heron

Many turtles (red sliders?) on the log, basking.








The spot by Williams Lake did not bring any birds out in the open that we could see, That area is a good potential for Red Headed Woodpeckers but we did not see any. Our total species today was just above 20  and now our trip total of species is at 94. I think that will be the final number unless we see a hawk or songbird in the next three days.

We pulled into a shady spot at the Marsh (Kain Park) to eat lunch and then headed for the trailer a bit earlier than usual. That gave us time to download the photos and exchange ideas about some of the photos and what we had taken, and what we did and didn't like. 

Another of Ruth's barn photos on Hess Lake Road

The boardwalk where we also saw the hummer nest.








About that time Kathy stopped in after work as she works just a few blocks from the campground at a Full service Retirement and Care Facility. Dressed in her black work uniform she looked quite sharp. She really likes her job in the kitchen there. It was a good time once again to share stories and hopes for the times ahead.  After supper (hot dogs), both Sarah and Emily came by for a visit and that was good too, to catch up on their lives and plans for the future.

Jim, Emily, Ruth, Sarah

So we end this day with a few photos and I am sure the next two night's Blog  will be short  with few photos. 

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