Sunday, June 6, 2021

 Trip Day 43 June 6, 2021, At Indian Rock RV Park, York, PA 

Today is the 77th Anniversary of "D Day"in France. We shall not forget.  But here I sit in a campground out in the 89 F heat under a shade tree remembering the sacrifices made by many to allow this to be possible. The Allied invasion of Europe ended the Nazi attempt to have world domination. We are grateful.

Today for us was a mixed bag of eating, birding and finding new places to explore. That is a much of what we do having never been in this area before.

Geese crossing the road at Kiwanis Park

The small Borough of Jacobus (Row houses)







Breakfast with Kathy and Emily Simmons was first and we chose "Lion's Pride" restaurant in Red Lion as the place.They met us there and for the first time on Memorial Day this restaurant eliminated the "no mask"policy. That was different but welcome. They have a full menu for breakfast up to a sirloin steak with trimmings for $27.00. No  one got that. We settled for some of the Omelet selections  as it included toast and hash browns. Ruth liked eggs over easy and bacon with her toast.

It was a good time, as many meals are and should be, to review some information, add new facts and remember things past to make sure they are correct. (Our minds get dulled when we are away from family and events.)  There is always a chance to tease and be "off base"  with some humor. We reviewed the Simmons move to PA when Steve got hired by the Corps of Engineers in an interview in West Branch some 14 years ago.  They were separated for that first year until Steve could find decent housing.

Chantel, our waitress, took care of us, even sorting out the tax on the bill that seemed to be one cent off. It wasn't,  as it was a way to balance the tax even though the sub total was incorrect (too confusing to explain here.) It was good sharing time and reminiscing as well.


One part of Wm. H. Kain PArk

Redman Reservoir in part.







After Ruth and I returned to the trailer we headed out to three places .Back to the Kain Park where there were limited amount of birds, but headed for another part of  Kain Park on  The Reservoir  (Williams Lake) where there was a magnificent grove of mature trees (mixed) that we will go back to in the AM when birding should be better. It was filled with many kayakers on Sunday. The Water St. entrance had a "No Through Street" sign, so we asked a local police man to see if there was another entrance, He said it was open to the Park and just "bear right"on the road. We did and found it by the Lake.

There are Great Egrets roosting ...look carefully

Look closely to see the young Black Crowned Night Heron (in the dark space)



 On returning, to the trailer,  I remembered that I had some hard boiled eggs that needed attention as they were with us before we started the trip. All but one  were still fine  so I made some deviled eggs out of them, and with the strawberries from yesterday ,we had a light afternoon snack. Those berries were delicious.

My materials for Bible Class did not come in the mail, so we may have to cancel Monday's Class.


 We are beginning to know our way around these curvy,winding, hilly roads, but of course will be leaving on Tuesday so tomorrow is the last full day to try that. There are a few photos from today, so enjoy them.



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