Thursday, August 30, 2018

Day 150, August 30, 2018, Laundry once again and a ride to Scot’s Cove on the Bay Of Fundy.

The laundry was done at a place in New Minas  just up the road a bit and it was named “Maytag” . Now how they could do that I am not sure. But that was it’s name,. It was right next to “Mazarilli’s Pizza” and its a good thing it was, as we used his Wi Fi while we were waiting.
Sam was the “man” of the hour. The laundromat had no Wi Fi bit did have only change for your dollars. Wash and dry were both the same at $2.00 per load , but the dryer ran for 47 minutes so that was a plus.

New Minas  is an extension of the main street that runs from Grand Pre south through Wolfville,  Kentville and  then  New Midas.  All along there is anything you would need  in the line of work done, or purchases made. Small town atmosphere with all the modern conveniences. That includes two Tim Hortons as well.  The laundromat was included!

The laundry finished and lunch eaten we had more afternoon to head for either the Headlands or “Split Rock” to the most northerly of the land that reaches into the Bay of Fundy from the south. (Does the make sense?).  We chose to go to Split Rock in the time we had to use . This traverses through much less farmland and more forest and open fields. There are fewer homes and certainly homes of more moderate construction. No lumber barons homes here.

I selected this phto as it shows the effect of the tides on the land and how the homes must be built back well away from the hjigh tide mark and any possibility of storms to damage them. This is Scot's Bay. A tidal canal is on the right, where we saw the Great Blue Heron.
The we arrived at Scot’s Bay where there is a small village there by the same name of Scot’sBay. Homes scattered along the curving beach of stones and a few boat launches interspersed in between the homes. One boat launch looked like a god prospect for watching some CORMORANTS and we did go there. It was very steep (22%?) and was on a side hill to boot. We did get down and in turning around I realized that the angle of turn would need more adjusting with the vehicle in order to get out again. After three moves we were lined up to get back up the hill . Gravel in the road demanded low gear and 4 Wheel drive as well.  Even though the road above (paved) could not be seen, I edged it up and over on to the road. A few hundred feet further and we could turn around and return in the direction we came.
This is the boat launch we drove down, and with some difficulty were able to turn around and come back  up the hill. The only way the boaters  can do this is to back all the way down the hill from the main road. The photo was taken from the main road. Note the steep embankment on a slant.
 This was all along a beautiful coast line with the tide now incoming and washing against the rocks the shore.   We did see  both  RINGED BILLED AND HERRING  GULLS. One more stop at the beach to observe a GREAT BLUE HERON in the mud and reeds with the tide coming in. It was quite well hidden and if I had not seen it when it just barely poked a wing above the reeds I would not have looked for it.Stealth at its best.

A warning to be heeded.  The dead tree is 50 yards back.

 We loved the sign by the beach warning people of the dangers of high tides as they will cover the road.

Ice cream was at the “I Scream” shack, on the “Look out” on the way home and that put the frosting on the cake. As it was “end of the year sale”on ice cream we got a full 1/2 pint-up for $2.50. Thanks Amanda!

One narrow view from the "Look off" on the way to Cape Blomidon.This would be the north end of Annapolis Valley.

One of the things I have learned on this trip is what is a salt marsh. Here is a great photo of one .As you see the sea water comes in and inundates the grass and in places where there is fresh water returning from the land that makes an ideal place for  millions of creatures to hatch, and continue the life that is teeming there.
 Jim prepared supper tonight and tried a stir fry with fresh scallops that we picked up yesterday at the market. It was a first try with that combination of rice, small squash, carrots, celery, small tomatoes and fresh mushrooms.  It was good, and another time will be even better.

We reviewed some of Ruth’s DVD that are  being prepared, about the 2018 Rose Parade that we will begin to show in 2019. My comments help her to see the DVD through another pair of eyes. (We attended the Rose parade last January)

Tomorrow we head for Digby and the SW corner of Nova Scotia.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Dad, did you know that if you go south from where you are at on rte 12 to chester basin area, they have a show we watch on discovery called the curse of oak island. 2 brothers from traverse city, mi are doing it with looking for unknown treasures. Just FYI. but am liking all the pics you are taking though. Mike