It was the longest driving day we had had on the trip. Not because it was so long, because it was WAS LONG. but because there were many road constructions, and in Canada that is a "Black and Orange" barrel that is used. We also stopped to shop for an hour.
The morning loomed very foggy and our new friends Dave and his family left for their home in Chicago at the same time that we did, They headed south and west and we headed north and east. The fog did some interesting things as when I was getting water out of the faucet at the next site (empty) I noticed a very fine mist from the fog that I could actually see as I walked through it. Little droplets floating in the air. I had not experienced that before, That led to some great photo ops. a few minutes latter when we headed east (the sun is ahead of us) and noticed the millions of spider webs on the trees. It was all over the woods and swamps. Ruth spotted them and of course that is what she does best . Good eye, good moment, and good photos. So I pulled over two or three times with the trailer and here is a sample of what she took. Just a sample.
The fog had enough moisture to not only coat the spider web, but all the trees in the forest as well. |
A second sample. I'll not post the best but save that for Ruth to frame, I am sure. |
A third samplke of yet another web. On M 28. |
That brought us to I-75 south of the Soo,where again there was some road work one lane type). For you non locals, "The Soo"is an endearng term for the cities of Sault Ste.Marie (US and Canada). A stop at the new Meijer One Stop store just off the I-75 exit was fortuitous and Ruth was on her glory. Our second Meijer store on the trip.
We did not get photos of the St Mary's River, but this shot of the large Esser Steel plant that is on the Canadian side. Things are booming in Sault Ste.Marie.
The Esser Steel plant in Canadian Soo. At one time it employed 20,000 people. |
Then came the many miles on Q 17 in Ontario. Towns like Algoma Mills, Blind River. Wasser and Elliott Lake (near the road) came and went and the only bypass is the one around Sudbury. We made a stop at the park dedicated to WW1 at Elliott Lake . The models of the deer were quite beautiful.
The rest area at Elliott Lake |
Dedicated to a battle in WW1 |
The statues of the deer in front. |
One of the four statues in the Park |
The road did have many stoppages for repair, and was beautiful ranging form heavy forest .many lakes, some hay farms (little cattle) as perhaps it is a "hay selling "area. But the Canadian Shield begins to show here with the very large rocks in the road "cuts"
An exposure of the rock from the Canadian Shield increases to the east. |
Even where the road is definitely one way the rock is seen clearly. |
Finally as we were about 25 miles away from the campground we began to see smoke. It got thicker as we arrived .There are two large fires. One south and one north of this area. It has lingered for 30 days and shifts with the wind. Tonight was quite heavy.(How do you measure smoke thickness?)
Smoke fills the air and has here for 30 days .Forest Fires north and south of Sturgeon Fall,Ont. |
Tomorrow we will show you photos of the gasoline stations, the bank (exchange money) , and of course the ubiquitous laundromat, wherever it might be as I have not found it yet. Bon jour! (Lots of French speaking going on!) Sounds exciting, but you never now what the day will bring.
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