Sunday, September 2, 2018

Day 152, Sunday Sept. 2, 2018, Tried "Digby Neck" and found it tasty!

You would have to get out a map (or your i phone) to appreciate the term "Digby Neck".  Basically it is a narrow piece of land (peninsula if you will) that is the extreme western edge of Nova Scotia.  Beyond it are two Islands (Long  and Brier ) that make a sort of "chain". Two separate ferrys link the Islands to the mainland. We will visit them later this week, but did go as far as the first ferry (called East Ferry). On that Peninsula (Digby Neck) are some 7-8 "village" and if you did not see a sign indicating that it was that village , then you would have passed them  by without even knowing they were there. One village, Sandy Cove, perhaps, would catch your eye as it has some fishing activity in its borders. We did stop near there so some of these photos will show the appearance of the shore and the habitations.
Sndy Cove on Digby Neck

Huge boulders are used to make a dike to protect the land.

Ruth surveys the tidal flats for stones, photo ops, and shells.

Those ehuge boulders do the job.
The villages along the way being small we looked at the map and decided that one, called Gulliver's Cove had a restaurant and we might get a breakfast there. I did find that on an interent map, I thought!
It was only about 5 miles off the main road, and we reached it quickly. As we drove near the end there was a sign saying "Dead End Road". Sure enough after a few houses and ONE business connected with fishing, we came to the dead end. This is nothing new, but there were NO other businesses, and certainly no evidence of a restaurant. Hmmm. So the search for a noon brunch on Sunday continued. It was now appraoching noon so we continued on to East Ferry with a few beach stops along the way. (Had to get my sister in law some rocks.

The story of "Gulliver" was nasty.
At the end of the road at East Ferry, There is a very steep hill and of course a curve as the Ferry dock is right there at the south end of the peninsula. There were about 20 cars and motorcycles wating on the hill (it is a narrow two lane road) to board the Ferry to cross over to Tiverton, a town of some few hundred people. where there were many facilities including restaurants, bars, stores and more. East Ferry had on cafe and it was full for sure. We wandered down the road past the ferry landing  to the "McClafferty and Frost" Fisheries, where we  captured the "feel" of the sea and the attendant facilities. It was quite a low tide and the water was rushing through the channel at about 8-10 mph it seemed. It was very difficult for the ferry to come into the landing dock without moving crosswise in the current.

Tiverton across the East Ferry channel.

Boars Head Lighthouse on Long Island NS

The Ferry terminal with vehicles ready to load.

The Ferry, anchored boats, and the channel at East Ferry.

We headed back the way we came (the only way back)  and looked for a restaurant. Aside from the "B and B" in Sandy Cove (which we investigated but there was no one there), there was no restaurant except at East Ferry.  So we went back to our original plan to eat in Conlon next to Digby at the Irving's Restaurant and truck stop. It had a good reputation and we were not disappointed. This was the first experience of eating a meal on the road when the loudest noise was not music in the restaurant but the mufflers and pipes of the motorcycles at the pumps in front ,filling up with gas. In the adjacent Walmart Parking lot there were over 40 RV's and trailers and about 100 motorcycles hanging around. The "Wharf Rat Rally"was in full session on this 4th day of five for the Festival. The breakfast at Irving's was excellent, however, and the reputation this restaurant had for good meals has held. Jane, our waitress, was efficient and helped us with takeout cups for drinks and a fresh pot pf coffee after the first one was "old".  She has been there 17 years which always tells me a few things. The restaurant treats their employees well, and she is a good waitress.

That was the end of the day  for us and we headed back to the trailer . After a good break I was able to get grandson Tavin's team's soccer game from Florida on Streaming times.   It was in and out  of reception, but I did see it until the end when it was a tie and they went into two overtime periods. There was no scoring in the overtime as well. . Keiser U was the opponent (NAIA) as Lawrence Tech had lost to Mobile (4th ranked in NAIA) the day before 3-1. Today's tie was a good start for Lawrence Tech for the season. Keiser had scored 27 goals in three previous games!

Today was sunny in the AM and although my propane went out at 3:00 AM I stayed up a while after switching it over, and did some blog download when the internet was quiet.

Hope all is well with you as we explore this beautiful coastal area in SW Nova Scotia land..

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