Sunday, September 9, 2018

Day 159, Sunday Sept. 9, 2018, More of South Shore Nova Scotia, Lighthouses, but few birds.

It is amazing, but those who follow the birds, (and some who don't)  do know this, that one day can be terrific for seeing birds and the next day (even the same weather) can be a "zero". So it was yesterday and today. Same weather, temps and breezes, but different results.

The drive today took us to some bays east of Liverpool (still the south coast), where there are again more fishing villages (Are there any other kind here in Nova Scotia?), than any place that we have been on our trips.

The peninsula that we traveled could be called 'Eastern Shore' or 'Medway Bay' or you name it. We did however, follow a road called Eastern Shore Rd. that generally follows the coast around this peninsula.  It passes villages like, Beach Meadows, Long Cove, Eagle Head Bay, the Lake called Wagner, Herring Cove , and the two Berlins, East and West. (Story later on how that came to be.)

( Found it! In 1888 May 11, a statue (110) for the Province of Nova Scotia, changed the names of the villages of 'Blueberry' and 'Pudding Pan' , to 'West Berlin' and 'East Berlin' respectively.  Must have been a settlement wish?)

But as I have done before and as these roads were about the same as many here in the South shore  (very rough) I will post some pictures and let them tell the story.

First I'll start with last nights sunset. I did not get out fast enough to get the eastern sky as it was all pink.
Shipbuilding in Medway, NS.

Peggy's Cove's partner? (Well, close)

The Harbour at Medway (Info on plant later)

This is a visual test. If you can zoom in , you will see the Otter. Look in the "saddle" of the rock.

Champlain anchored offshore here in 1613 as his map indicates.

The first, Collegiate styled, church (this one) was built in 1832

Medway Lighthouse with Ruth getting the right light, for her photo.

The entry to Medway Bay at Medway. Looking to the Atlantic Ocean.

Two final photos tell two great stories. One about how dogged these Maritime fisherman were and the other of the first churches in the area. Zoom in for easier reading.

The rugged (heroic) fisherman  from Medway.

The beginning of the church community  her in Medway.

Tomorrow... Ruth gets her medicine through the customs! Or does she?

 Here are the blog readers for today.
United States
Unknown Region
Brazil                    1

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