Sunday, September 23, 2018

Day 173, Sunday, Sept 23, 2018, into New Brunswick and St. Andrews by the Sea,

This is going to be a short ne, and I haven't had one of those for along time, but perhaps I can throw in a few photos.

 At the start this morning I knew I had a very bad tire that needed replacement and stopped at a few places that might help me change the tire. It was Sunday and all the shops were closed.  I was unsuccessful so we decided to continue the trip, carefully and full of prayer (as always)   and made the 180 miles successfully.   I did get both tanks of propane filled as one was empty and the other down a half. Cold weather coming so we will need that.

This run took us through St John , New Brunswick  (where the Ferry comes from across the Bay of Fundy from the Nova Scotia aside), the town of Moncton and the starting town of Amherst which we talked about last night. I will revisit St.John another night as the site of the rare "Reversing Falls".
Some of the rock cuts in New Brunswick, Very rocky.
The campground is  beautiful location on a bay called  Passamaquaddy Bay, but very quiet with few families mostly couples and singles.
If you look on both sides of the trailer  you can see the Passamaquaddy Bay.

Here it is from the passengers side. The rock dike is on a great cliff.
 When I asked at the office upon entering if there was a tire shop near one of the  staff men volunteered to help me,.He  (John) came over and inspected the tires (He had done this work for 50 years so knew tires) . He recommended (never saying "I had to") two new tires as both front tires on the trailer had the steel ribbing broken which had started to make the tire wear unevenly  on the edges and hence were unsafe. He put the spare on the one for now, and he [ointed put a place near where we can  locate and buy two new tires so we will be safe. (Tantamount to a good trip.)

Sunset two nights ago at Loch Lomand near Amherst.

The main street at St Andrews, NB.

Ruth made spaghetti for supper and enough for two more meals (Never make one when three will be better saved.)

That was pretty  much the day and I took time to walk the dike by the sea and it was low tide so the "beach" was waaaaay  out there. More photos tomorrow.

Good night and happy week.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Always nice when you can camp near water. An amazing trip for sure. How many pictures do you have so far. You guys are nearing the home stretch. Still planning on being back by 3rd week of October?