Saturday, September 15, 2018

Day 165 ,Sat. Sept. 15, 2018, A month to go! Third day of 'flawless' weather, BIrds are elusive.

It has been a 'weather phenomena' for much of the upper part of the country (USA) and Lower Canada, in a large part due to the Hurricane 'Florence'. That has created a "block' of sorts that is keeping the warm air that was just ahead of the hurricane, trapped there. Hence these places are experiencing some very warm and mild (dry) air. The weather maps show that in the SW USA there is rain, but none in the northern states. So, we in Nova Scotia are enjoying a third day of cloudless skies and temps in the low 70s (F). There have been very light breezes so it has been what one might call "perfect weather".
A morning view of Lunenburg

A view of the Black Olen Farm Marsh

Entry to Hekman Island at at the bridge
We continued to seek out the birds in available places that they might be found, but it has been very quiet. I suspect that Ruth and I are not as in tune with the use of the tides as that might be part of the problem.Although even in the woods and trails the birds are less active.

One of the best spots today was a place  called "Back Oler Farm Marsh" in Garden Lots ( a village). The activity of the land birds was good. They were moving about and we did see SWAMP SPARROW, RED TAILED HAWK, YELLOW THROATED WARBLER, YELLOW RUMPED WARBLER, (sometimes called 'butter butt'), and a  SONG SPARROW. In the swamp ponds we did see BLACK DUCK, LESSER YELLOWLEGS,  and GREAT BLUE HERON.

No Woodpecker but the results are clear,

This Female Yellow Throated Warbler stayed in the shadows.

On a road going up to the old hospital we briefly saw a PERIGRINE FALCON  land in a tree and as quickly take off again.

There was timei n the afternoon to stop to pick up some new pain meds (natural)  that Ruth ran across in Digby. It really relieves the foot pain and induces sleep .

We did visit  (by accident) the largest cranberry grower in Nova Scotia. This is Terrs Beata cranberry fields.  October is their big month.

A very big igneous rock formation on which a road is located.

A Dahlia from the "Nursing Home" across the yard from us.

She is still working on that "Rose Parade" DVD and each day tries to add a bit more.

See you tomorrow where James , our new birding friend, may lead us for a few hours to some bird spots that he is familiar with.

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