Well, by now when we say "necessaries" you probably have already guessed that it is the laundry. Yes! The secret to traveling and the laundry could be summed up in "Are there washers available". We have mentioned that before and have two laundromats that we put on the "censored" list. Definitely not usable. But today the washers and dryers were at the KOA campground here in Upper Sackville, Nova Scotia. They were fine except the one that ate the money and wouldn't start."Joe" the manager was helpful and made good and helped get laundry out that was finished so we could get started.
Our visitor today at the feeder, (Blue Jay) |
Taking the clothes to the laundry. |
As there is usually WiFi in the laundry, we take advantage of the time to do whatever is needed on the internet. Here it was the KOA WiFi which has been excellent. Oh the laundry cost? $2.50 for wash, and $2.00 for dry. Good machines so all went well. ( I didn't know WiFi was spelled with two capital letters!)
There were visitors to the bird feeder today as a pair of BLUE JAYS were at the feeder. No other birds except three RAVENS have appeared in the campground. A mystery?
The rest of the post noon time we did indoors activities at the computers, Ruth had contacted Apple for some help and did get it. She needed to get more space for her photos. I took the truck to the local NAPA garage for some looks at the truck. I wanted to make sure that the brakes were in good shape, and the bearings were as well. It was time to rotate the tires as they have not been rotated since we left (13,000 miles ago). All was OK with the brakes and tire rotation. The guys there were efficient, and worked swiftly. They allowed me to inspect the work that was done. I give credit to a young man named Dakota, who was the mechanic. He was clear in explanation, and polite to a flaw. I believe his work was top quality. I went away feeling good about the brakes and the wheels. The rest of the journey is still ahead and to have it be safe is important.
The Dahlias at the nursing center across the fence were fantastic. I received permission to go in and photograph. |
A 1/2 moon shot a few nights ago. |
The NAPA garage (TTL) where the truck work was completed. |
We continued our work in the trailer as the rain was very light and intermittent, but did wet the ground a few time during the day. It was only our 5th day of rain on the trip of the 169 days.
Tomorrow we hit the big city of Halifax, the home of the 1917 explosion of two ships that collided in the harbour, that shook the city , and also the hone of the Citadel , where they play bagpipes and march in kilts on the hour.
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