16 ounces of marshmallows (The store only had 2 X 10 ounce , so there was some math involved.
Cook them on low heat untiljust about melted (NOT all melted) in 1/4 pound of butter.
Measure the cup of rice krispies and pour . Continue to stir until they are blended . (Note 1/4 lb. butter that the marshmallows are melting in.) Hve cake pan ready and grease somewhat.
Plop the well mixed batch into the cake pan and (fun part) mash down with hands that are slathered with butter until flat. Let cool and cut into squares, when totally cool place in a container for travel.
Now to today! We looked at and planned to visit the very good bird sites at McConaughey Lake , the largest Lake in Nebraska, The earthern dam that holds back the water is the largest earthen dam in the USA. A U.S. highway runs across the top of the dam for 3.5 miles. As Lake McConaughy behind
The earthen (Kingsley Dam)
the dam filled up, it created over 100 miles of shoreline and beaches that have been compared to Hawaii. At full storage of 1,948,000 acre-feet of water, "Lake Mac" is 22 miles long, four miles wide, and 142 feet deep near the dam. When full, the lake covers 35,700 acres. I is used for irrigation and power.
We did see 30 species of bird today including a Bald Eagle, a Great Blue Heron and Rookery, Clarks's Grebe, Forster's Tern, Ferruginous Hawk, and some Hooded Mergansers. All new to the list . The total is now over 173 species seen. We scoped out a hair cut shop for Ruth, and a restaurant that makes its own Italian dishes from scratch. Tomorrow we will do all that as well as investigate the town bakery. See you then.
White Peicans on the lake behind the dam. Lake Ogallala.
A portion of the Great Blue Heron Rookery
A common Loon seen below the dam.
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