Monday, April 27, 2015

Day 43-- Rolling to the "other" Dakota (North)

That about sums it up. "Rolling" is the operant word there as we had a tail wind about 2/3 of the way and then as predicted in the PM the wind switched to the north and it was a headwind. It makes all the difference  in the world on mileage, when pulling the trailer. A 15-20 mph headwing can change the mileage by 1-3 mpg. Gasoline price here has been at $2.39 pretty regularly for a gallon. We saw three hawks today , but identified only two while driving at 60 mph. Rough Legged Hawk and the Ferruginous Hawk. This is "pot hole" country , so get ready for good bird totals.

Some photos of the road north to Devils Lake (US 281) most all the way.

Much hay along the way, some for feed others for bedding.

We are in North Dakota!  We WILL see Buffalo!

Ok ...Name the year as well as the models.
Seen by the side of the road in Edgeley.

Somebody asked if we got any birds today. Here is proof
that we did.

Quite typical North Dakota land. Beans, corn or wheat.
Not as much cattle as neighboring states.

Very important are the wind breaks. Many like this
one are often three rows of trees. Keep crops from
drying as well as keeping soil in place.
Quite a change from "Dust Bowl" days.

The last 15 mile into Devils Lake is a rock bermed road
along the shores of the Lake. It separates the eastern
part from the western part of the Lake. This is Sioux tribal land.
Tomorrow we will begin to explore the very large Wildlife Management Area which covers more than 15 National Wildlife Refuges and other Wildlife Areas. The light rain of this evening is supposed to leave and warmer, drier weather (69F ) will prevail.

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