Saturday, April 25, 2015

Day 41-- Are there Scottish Folks in Aberdeen, South Dakota?

For the most part there very well might. It is not necessarily a Scottish ancestral community. James Mitchell one of the founders was born in Aberdeen Scotland and named the town forthwith.  Early history tells that the James River flooded the main street everytine there was a rain the first two years of its life. Finally a well system was built, but in driling they hit  the main underground water system which flooded the main street to four feet. Finally a system of valves was constrcted and VOILA, Aberdeen had its own water supply.

Another intresting story was the battle for the County Seat. Originally Columbia (nearby) was designated as the County seat (Brown County),  but when the land prices skyrocketed, Aberdeen was chosen. That did not set with the residents of Columbia and it went to the Legislature to settle. They deterined Aberdeen should be the County Seat so for a nunber of years after that the records kept moving back and forth between the two towns as locals would steal the records back to claim the title. Finally Aberdeen secured the records and became the County Seat of Brown County SD.

Trains that run through on the BNSF RR carry such items as the pipe for oil pipelines in the unit train. Unit trains  can move from loading to destination without any switching saving time and money (about 50% cheaper) 

This train had about 50 flatcars with 11 pieces of pipe on each flatcar. 
                                                                                    The town of Aberdeen has about 27,000 people
                                                                                    and is definitely a farming/ranching community.
                                                                                      This is the original Main Street, although most 
                                                                                           businesss are on 6th Ave, east of downtown.

The birding today was light, but we did see a first for us on the trip, and that was the bird in the picture, the Wilson's Snipe. (That might bring back stories about camp and a "Snipe Hunt"? ) Tomorrow will be church at yet another "First United Methodist" church, here in Aberdeen. You will not believe the original structure of this church , although they have built a new one just next door.  (More on this tomorrow I am sure.)

First United Methodist Church (1906) Aberdeen SD
The new church is on the left.

                                         Wilson's Snipe , seen on the main highway roadside.

                                      Two Hooded Mergansers, seldom seen, but 
                                                  were on the  pond in our park.

 Our total bird species count is now at 193 species seen on the trip.  Very few warblers yet.

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