A look at the cliffs south of Vermillion.
We came back at noon in the heavy rain after looking over the Missouri River from the Nebraska side across the NewCastle/ Vermillion bridge Scenic View. If the weather clears we will go back and get some pictures, but it was limited visibility today.
The rest of the day was spent in the trailer catching up on correspondence and picture sorting. For supper we took in a "Seafood Buffett" that was second to none we have ever seen. There were seven warming tables of all kinds of seafood
A wider look at the cliffs on the Missouri River.
ranging from Frog legs, three kinds of shrimp, three kinds of fish, wonderfully cooked, oysters, crab legs, clams, scampi, and also a huge salad bar AND prime rib, three types of cooked beef, hot dogs for the children, and of course a dessert table as well, Ruth and I settled for the bread pudding with hot carmel sauce on top. The cook makes the bread pudding out of cinnamon buns. DEE LISH! Oh ...Here is the clincher, ALL FOODS ARE MADE FROM SCRATCH IN
A map of the area along which we visited today
it is the Missouri River recreational area.
KITCHEN. It is called "Jo-Deans" and seats about 200 and they were pouring in when we left. (We usually eat at 5:00 PM to avoid the rush.) Our server was a part timer who works full time as a geriatric nurse supervisor named "Jane"
Rained stopped about 4:00 PM and the temps rose again. Tomorrow looks better and M, T, W are supposed to be sunny.We will get some more birds then for sure. Church tomorrow at a First UMC church (again) here inYankton . See you tomorrow. Thanks for reading.
The archery course where targets can be set at various distances. (30 shooting spots)
Two archers coming home before the rain came.
A goldfinch that came today for the first time
Looking downstream on the Missouri R.
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